Hobby and every day work

 Hobby- is actions that we like. Hobby divided into types: sport, collecting, creative, linguistic and other.
 Sport is very popular type hobby. It includes games and leisures like football, basketball, tennis, bowling, chess, volleball, golf, cricket, hockey, run, swimming, cycling and other.
 Some childrens collect picture cards of football and other sport. Other collect stamps into a special book called an album. Chidren also collect coins, post cards and Barbie dolls
 The most popular type hobby is creative hobby.Creative hobbies are includes painting, playing music, photograhy, woodwork, writing, reading, playing computer games and other.
 My hobby is paiting and sewing. I love my hobby.
Every day we work, play and do the chores. Where are: tidy the room, make the bed, do the washing up, vacuum, have a shower, clean teeth, surf the Net, hang out with friends, playing board games, watch DVDs, snowboarding, rollerblading, 


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