This is Boniface. He is lain. Boniface is boe. Bonifacy is good and kind. He's tall and slim. He is black, orange and white. He's got an umbrella, a poster, a swim suit in his bag. Bonifacy likes summer. He can run, go, swim and play ball. Bonifacy is from Africa. He likes children and Granne.
This my monster.He name is Frad. He has got purple short head.My monster have got six dark ears. He has got two big face. They are friends. One face got big mustache, one eye, two noses and mouth. Two face got one eye, two noses and mouth. My monster got two necks. Frad have got four arms. He has got three legs but hasn't got feet. Frad have got one body. My monster can run, hop and clamp thees. He can't swim.He is pilot.
1. What do are the holidays of Russia? 2. What do we cook for New Year's Day? 3. What do we can for New Year's Day? 4. When do are people celebrate the New Year? 5. After which do the New Year holidays begin? 6. What do we can with cones, balls beans, tinsel and other toys? 7. What do are we usually put at the top the fir-thee?
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